Atlanta EEOC Lawyer
Experienced Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Attorneys In Atlanta, Georgia
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is the federal government agency that is responsible for enforcing federal discrimination laws. The EEOC, established in 1965, plays a critical role in combating employment discrimination and other issues in the workplace.
Before filing a discrimination complaint in federal court, an aggrieved individual first needs to file a charge of discrimination (form 5) with the EEOC. When completing a charge of discrimination, you will need several pieces of information, including the employer’s name and address, the date(s) of discrimination, and details of the discrimination. At the end of its process, the EEOC typically provides an aggrieved individual with a Notice of Right to Sue, which allows the individual to file a Complaint in court. If you need help navigating the EEOC process, please contact an Atlanta EEOC lawyer at Weiner & Sand LLC to discuss your situation.
Each state has its own EEOC district office, and many states have more than one. The EEOC’s Atlanta District Office:
Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center, 100 Alabama Street, SW, Suite 4R30, Atlanta, Georgia 30303.