When you are reviewing your background report and credit report, you should pay close attention to the names that appear at the beginning of those reports. Sometimes, credit bureaus and background reporting companies will include aliases, along with your given name. The inclusion of aliases can lead to significant problems.
Credit bureaus and background reporting companies typically search for credit, criminal and other information to include in your credit report and background report using not only the name you provided, but also any aliases they believe you use. So if you go by one name and the credit bureau or background reporting company believes you use an alias — even if you don’t — credit, criminal and other information that does not belong to you may end up on your credit and background report. When an alias is wrongfully included in a credit or background report, it can lead to devastating consequences, including the loss of a job, the denial of credit, and other negative actions.
So what can be done about the erroneous inclusion of an alias? Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you have the right to dispute inaccurate information in your credit report and background report. The law requires that the credit bureau and background reporting company reinvestigate and, if they have been reporting inaccurate information, they must remove the alias and the credit and criminal records that accompany that alias.
In addition, individuals have the ability to pursue legal claims under the Fair Credit Reporting Act if the wrongful inclusion of an alias caused damage. Damage in this situation can include the loss of a job, the denial of a loan, the rejection of a credit card application, and other negative actions. The Fair Credit Reporting Act attorneys at Weiner & Sand LLC can help when a credit bureau and background reporting company inaccurately include an alias in a credit report or a background report. We provide consultations, so please reach out if you have an alias on your credit report or background report that does not belong to you.